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Product Code: ODM-250-075



Seismic Bracing Installation Instructions

Required tools and fasteners: ODM, ODM375, ODM916, TE-12, Torque Wrench, 3/8” Wedge Anchor, HOCL-45 Angle Clip, ceiling wire.

Step 1. Drill a 3/8” hole into the concrete ceiling using an ODM (Overhead Drill Machine) fitted with an ODM375 3/8”x 3.325” HALT bit.

Step 2. Remove the ODM375 HALT bit and insert an ODM916 SDS Plus 9/16 ” socket adapter, set the hammer drill to hammer only.

Step 3. Insert a 3/8” wedge anchor with a HOCL-45 angle clip prettied to ceiling wire into the ODM916 socket adapter.

Step 4. Raise the ODM up to the hole and insert the wedge anchor using the hammer function of the hammer drill.

Step 5. Use a TE-12 extension pole equipped with a LMP 9/16 Hex Plug to tighten the 9/16” nut on the wedge anchor to the appropriate torque using a torque wrench (Usually 25 ft/lbs).